A C.O.A. (also known as a clean oil and adjust) is the most important service  for keeping your flute in top playing condition. It is recommended that you get your flute serviced once a year. Getting your flute serviced will make it possible for it to function optimally. Over the course of a typical year, just as brake pads and tires on a car gradually wear, so do pads on a flute gradually wear and should be checked, and the regulation of keys may need a "tune up".  The headjoint cork may dry out causing the headjoint cork to not seal tightly, in turn causing a leak. The amount of play time will also break down the oil used to lubricate the key mechanism. 

Having your flute serviced annually will ensure that it will play well and lessen the chance of major repairs needed on your flute in the future.

A basic clean, oil and adjust includes coverage, regulation and lost motion adjustments, setting of key venting heights and balancing spring tension, check of mechanism for freedom of action and for excess side play and slop.  Pads, corks, felts and springs replaced as needed [extra charge].  All flutes are disassembled for cleaning.


All instruments purchased from The Flute Loft or a teacher affiliate carry the manufacturer's factory defect warranty, and the warrany repair is free if there is a defect and it is within the warranty period. Customers are responsible for inbound shipping and insurance, and the return shipping is free if covered under the warranty.   International customers will be responsible for the shipping and insurance both ways. 

To maintain your warranty, any repair required during the warranty period must be arranged for through The Flute Loft, and the instrument must have been purchased through The Flute Loft. 

For flutes no longer under warranty coverage or for a repair that is not the result of a manufacturer's defect, we will provide you with an estimate, and obtain your approval prior to servicing. Customers are responsible for shipping and insurance costs both ways when it falls outside of the warranty policy. 

One free adjustment is also offered during the first three-month period. Customers are responsible for shipping and insurance costs both ways.